Start a joyn chat
1. In the Contacts app, or in the contact details view, tap
beside a contact's name.
2. Do any of the following:
• Type your message.
• Tap an emoticon.
• To attach a picture or file, tap .
3. Tap Send.
Tip: You can find, start, and reply to your joyn chats in the BlackBerry Hub.
Invite other joyn contacts to a chat
Have something you need to discuss with a group? You can chat with more than one person to help
make decisions faster and keep everyone informed.
1. At the bottom of a joyn chat, tap > Create Group.
2. Tap + to add another contact. Repeat this step for each contact you want to add.
3. If needed, type a chat subject.
4. Type your message.
5. Tap Send.
Delete a joyn chat
On a chat screen, tap
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