Adjust the volume, speed, and pitch using gestures
You might want to increase the speed of the BlackBerry Screen Reader when you browse the Internet,
or slow it down when you receive instructions. You can increase the volume when you're outside, or
decrease it when you're at home or in a quieter space. You might also want to adjust the pitch. The
BlackBerry Screen Reader lets you adjust the volume, speed, and pitch to provide a personalized
experience for any situation.
When the BlackBerry Screen Reader is on, you can use gestures to complete tasks.
1. When you have the BlackBerry Screen Reader turned on, Tap the screen with one finger to open the
BlackBerry Screen Reader settings.
2. Tap the Pitch field with one finger to set the point of regard. Swipe up with one finger to increase the
Pitch slider value. Swipe down with one finger to decrease the Pitch slider value.
3. Swipe down and to the right with one finger to access Quick Tasks mode.
4. Do any of the following:
• Swipe up with one finger to increase the volume. Swipe down with one finger to decrease the
• Swipe left with one finger to decrease the speech rate. Swipe right with one finger to increase the
speech rate.
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